Terms and Condition

Terms and ConditionsTexas Clinic Westview

Entity Terms and Conditions Updated : Mar 13, 2022


By accessing and using this and other websites and mobile applications of Texas Clinic Westview and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively referred to as Texas Clinic Westview, us, our, or we), including without limitation and other websites and mobile applications linking to these Terms (individually, a Site, and collectively, the Sites), you agree to be bound by these Terms. These Terms are between you (sometimes referred to as you or your) and Texas Clinic Westview. Remember that your use of the Sites is at all times subject to the Texas Clinic Westview Privacy Policy, which incorporates these Terms. Print or download a copy of these Terms for your records. If you are asked to click your agreement to specific terms and conditions to access certain functions on any of the Sites (each a Site Agreement), the terms in the Site Agreement shall govern over any inconsistencies with these Terms, but only for the specific Site function described in that Site Agreement. Each affiliate ofTexas Clinic Westview is controlled and operated by a separate and distinct legal entity. You acknowledge and agree that, by accessing a Site, the Site Agreement (if any) and these Terms create an agreement only between you and the individual affiliate, and you will not hold Texas Clinic Westview responsible for the actions of any affiliate. We may revise and update these Terms from time to time without prior notice to you and will post the updated Terms to the Sites. ANY CHANGES TO THESE TERMS WILL APPLY IMMEDIATELY UPON POSTING TO THE SITES. BY USING OR OTHERWISE ACCESSING THE SITES, POSTING OR DOWNLOADING CONTENT OR ANY OTHER INFORMATION TO OR FROM THE SITES, YOU HEREBY AGREE TO, AND SHALL BE SUBJECT TO, THESE TERMS AND ANY CHANGES TO THEM. IT IS YOUR OBLIGATION TO PERIODICALLY REVIEW THESE TERMS FOR SUCH CHANGES. EMERGENCY OR URGENT MATTERS No Site, including a Site through which you may communicate with a health care provider, should ever be used for emergency or urgent matters. If you believe that you or another individual for whom you have Proxy Access (as described under User Accounts below) needs to speak to a health care provider on an urgent basis you should contact the health care provider directly by phone. FOR ALL MEDICAL EMERGENCIES AND URGENT MATTERS, PLEASE GO TO AN EMERGENCY ROOM OR DIAL 911 IMMEDIATELY. The Site should not be used for emergency or urgent communications with any healthcare provider. The Site is not a substitute for appropriate and timely contact with a health care provider. 


Our Sites do not provide medical advice. DIAL 911 IMMEDIATELY IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY. UNLESS YOU ARE COMMUNICATING DIRECTLY WITH A HEALTH CARE PROVIDER THROUGH A SITE, YOU AGREE THAT PROVISION OF ANY INFORMATION FROM ANY SITE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PRACTICE OF ANY MEDICAL, NURSING, OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL HEALTH CARE ADVICE, DIAGNOSIS, OR TREATMENT. Physicians performing services with Texas Clinic Westview may be independent contractors and not employees, agents or representatives of Texas Clinic Westview LLC. You are responsible for evaluating specific health care providers, treatments, information, content, products, and services that may be available through the Sites. WE DO NOT MAKE ANY GUARANTEE ABOUT THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN YOU AND Texas Clinic Westview OR ANY HEALTH CARE PROVIDER, OR WHETHER ANY INFORMATION, PRODUCTS, OR SERVICES YOU FIND ON THE SITES WILL HELP YOU ACHIEVE THE RESULT(S) YOU WANT. INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE SITES OR ANY SITE-RELATED SERVICE IS INTENDED TO BE INFORMATIONAL ONLY. THE INFORMATION SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE, NOR SHOULD IT BE RELIED ON AS A COURSE OF TREATMENT. UNLESS YOU COMMUNICATE DIRECTLY WITH A HEALTH CARE PROVIDER THROUGH A SITE, A SITE SHOULD NOT BE USED IN PLACE OF A VISIT, CALL, CONSULTATION OR THE ADVICE OF YOUR PHYSICIAN OR OTHER QUALIFIED HEALTHCARE PROVIDER. INFORMATION INCLUDED IN THE SITE IS NOT EXHAUSTIVE AND DOES NOT COVER ALL DISEASES, AILMENTS, PHYSICAL CONDITIONS OR THEIR TREATMENT. ALWAYS CONSULT WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN OR OTHER QUALIFIED HEALTH CARE PROVIDER BEFORE BEGINNING A NEW TREATMENT, DIET OR FITNESS PROGRAM. YOU SHOULD NEVER DISREGARD MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY IN SEEKING IT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU READ ON THE SITES. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE SITES IS COMPILED FROM A VARIETY OF SOURCES (INFORMATION PROVIDERS). NEITHER Texas Clinic Westview NOR INFORMATION PROVIDERS DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY PRACTICE MEDICINE OR DISPENSE MEDICAL SERVICES AS PART OF THE SITES. THE SITES MAY CONTAIN MATERIALS WHICH YOU FIND SEXUALLY EXPLICIT OR OTHERWISE OFFENSIVE. Texas Clinic Westview ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH MATERIALS, AND USE OF THE SITES IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. ELECTRONIC MESSAGING In some instances, you may be able to send electronic messages to a health care provider through the Site. In such instances, the anticipated turnaround time for response to electronic messages is three (3) business days, but no guarantee is made. If a physician or other health care provider is unavailable, messages sent through the Site may be routed to other authorized health care providers in order to facilitate a timely response to your request. If you have not received a response to your inquiry within three (3) business days, please contact the health care provider directly. Messages you send or receive through the Site may be made part of your medical record, or the medical record of the individual on whose behalf you are acting. 


If a Site makes medical information from your medical record, or a medical record of an individual for whom you have Proxy Access, available to you, the information available through the Site does not necessarily reflect the complete contents of the medical record. The Site is designed for convenience purposes only, and Texas Clinic Westview does not guarantee the Site contains the complete medical record or that the medical information that is made available is correct or accurate. To obtain a complete copy of the medical record you should contact the relevant health care provider directly. Texas Clinic Westview LLC assumes no responsibility for how you use or disclose any medical information that may be made available to you through a Site. If you utilize a Site to access your medical information, or another individual’s medical information to which you have been granted Proxy Access, you are responsible for ensuring that the computer systems you use to access the Site have appropriate security controls enabled and that you have accessed the Site through a secure connection. You expressly assume the risk of any unauthorized disclosure or intentional intrusion, or of any delay, failure, interruption or corruption of data or other information that you transmit to or receive from the Site. You are solely responsible for providing, maintaining and ensuring the compatibility of all hardware, software, electrical and other physical requirements necessary for your access to and use of the Site. SURVEYS From time-to-time a Site may request information from you via a survey. Participation in these surveys is completely voluntary. You have a choice whether or not to disclose the requested information, which may include contact information (name and address) and demographic information (zip code and age level). Feedback collected by these surveys will be used for purposes of monitoring or improving use of the Site, and as specifically described in the survey itself. Personal information gathered from surveys will be protected as described in the Texas Clinic Westview LLC Privacy Policy. MOBILE DEVICES Your contract with your mobile network provider (Mobile Provider) will continue to apply when accessing or using the Sites on your mobile, handheld device (Mobile Device). You understand that your Mobile Provider may charge you fees for your use of its network connection while accessing or using the Sites, for data downloading, e-mail, text messages, for roaming, and other Mobile Provider or third party charges. You understand that the Sites are provided over the Internet and mobile networks, so the quality and availability of the Sites may be affected by factors outside our control. We do not guarantee that the Sites will be compatible or operate with your Mobile Provider’s service plans, with any particular Mobile Device, or other piece of hardware, software, equipment, or device you install on or use with your Mobile Device. We are not responsible if the Sites are unavailable or if you cannot download or access all content available on the Sites, for any compatibility or interoperability issues, or for any communication system failure which may result in the Sites being unavailable.

The laws of the United States and other countries might not be as comprehensive as those in your country. By using the Sites, you consent to your information being transferred to our facilities and to the facilities of those third parties with whom we share it as described in our Privacy Policy. USE OF OUR SITES AND ANY RELATED SERVICES ARE SUBJECT TO YOUR COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS SET FORTH ABOVE. PLEASE READ THIS INFORMATION CAREFULLY. YOUR CONTINUED USE OF OUR SITES INDICATES YOUR AGREEMENT TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS SET FORTH ABOVE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS, PROMPTLY EXIT THE SITE. 

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